
End of Day 1 Videos

So as we start to close out Day 1 of our 2012 Challenge, we want to thank you for your continued prayers. As the day has gone on we have been reminded of the first day from last year. During the Challenge we will consume less than 500 calories per day. It's quite a drastic change from 'normal' life and it's pretty hard on our bodies. The pure lack of energy is remarkable...and it's all because of a lack of nutrition. As we say goodbye to Day 1 we ask that you would pray for the millions of people around the world to whom this is a reality - every day. They have no choice - but we do. We have the resources to be able to make an impact...even if only on 1 person. We all have the power to change a life. Tonight we ask you to be a part of the change. We know that not everyone can/will/or wants to go to Africa...but we know that everyone CAN help. We ask that you would consider partnering with us financially so that we can do the work to HELP these people. Go to our 'Get Involved - GIVE' page and help us make a difference. Every penny helps...

Here are our thoughts after our first full day of the 2011 sure to watch both videos!

Thank you for being a part of our journey and taking the time to invest in us!

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